Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To sleep, perchance to dream

I created my first blog only a few short hours ago. Here I am writing again and the sun's not up yet. After sleeping for a few short hours and too much cover-fighting, I gave up and got up. Sleeping used to be one of the things I did best. As an infant, I slept around the clock. During my teen years, I could easily sleep till noon, or even later if allowed to do so. But, somewhere along the way, my ability to sleep has changed.

I've been known to sleep on my school desk, sleep sitting at my computer (on the job!), sleep through a street full of fire trucks and police cars charging around, and even through violent thunder storms complete with lightning. In my early twenties, I sat on a jury and cat napped my way through the criminal trial. Before the jury retired to deliberate the case, the judge said that I would be happy to learn that my name had been drawn as the extra, expendible juror. He then announced, to my horror, that I was free to leave the courthouse, go home, and get some sleep.

"They" say that as you get older, you need less sleep. I want to know who "they" are and where "they" got that idea. As I've gotten older, I have less energy and find that I need more sleep. However, I hope that "they" are correct. There are nights when I lie awake because it's a few degrees too warm in the room, or my pillow's not fluffed perfectly. Then there are times when I can't sleep because my husband is snoring or I have an ache somewhere. I can only hope that if the list of petty nuisances continues to grow, it will not do so faster than I age and supposedly need less sleep.

Now that I am retired from my office job and can spend my days as I please, I have more time to sleep than ever before. Isn't it ironic that "they" say I now need less of it? Such is life. We're supposed to get some rain this afternoon and that will be the perfect time for a lovely nap.