I've been known to sleep on my school desk, sleep sitting at my computer (on the job!), sleep through a street full of fire trucks and police cars charging around, and even through violent thunder storms complete with lightning. In my early twenties, I sat on a jury and cat napped my way through the criminal trial. Before the jury retired to deliberate the case, the judge said that I would be happy to learn that my name had been drawn as the extra, expendible juror. He then announced, to my horror, that I was free to leave the courthouse, go home, and get some sleep.
"They" say that as you get older, you need less sleep. I want to know who "they" are and where "they" got that idea. As I've gotten older, I have less energy and find that I need more sleep. However, I hope that "they" are correct. There are nights when I lie awake because it's a few degrees too warm in the room, or my pillow's not fluffed perfectly. Then there are times when I can't sleep because my husband is snoring or I have an ache somewhere. I can only hope that if the list of petty nuisances continues to grow, it will not do so faster than I age and supposedly need less sleep.
Now that I am retired from my office job and can spend my days as I please, I have more time to sleep than ever before. Isn't it ironic that "they" say I now need less of it? Such is life. We're supposed to get some rain this afternoon and that will be the perfect time for a lovely nap.
Great post! I feel your pain...I don't sleep well, either. Most nights, I just pop a couple Advil PMs. It's easier than struggling to stay awake at work all day. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback. I've just started blogging and need encouragement to keep it going. Hope those Advils keep working for you!